May 13, 2023
Ms. Elbony “Ebony” Simerate Gammon was born on January 1, 1974 to the late Shirley Jean Gammon – Anderson in Helena, Arkansas. She was the eldest of five siblings. Her grandparents, Eddie and Evangeleane Gammon helped raise and support her thSHERRY DENISE STEELE WITHERSPOON
May 6, 2023
Sherry Denise Steele Witherspoon was born June 13, 1978 in West Helena, Arkansas to the late Willie Ann Hargrow and Orin Steele, Sr. Sherry accepted Christ as her personal Savior at an early age at First Missionary Baptist Church, West Helena ArkaMay 6, 2023
Mary Ann Watson was born May 26, 1957 to the late Nelson “Big June” Carter, Jr. and Snow Ella Bobo. She was a 1976 graduate of Barton High School. Her beauty, outgoing personality, and natural smarts landed her the honor of becoming the first bApril 30, 2023
Deacon James B. Golden was born to the late Sam and Annie Bell Golden on August 18, 1940, in Oneida, Arkansas. Affectionately known to some as “Uncle J.B.,” James was a vibrant man of God until his death April 17, 2023. He was preceded in death bApril 2, 2023
Mr. Laria D. Gammon was born September 30, 1951 in Phillips County, Arkansas to the late Eddie Matthew and Evangeleane Gammon. He was the third of six siblings. Laria accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior at an early age under the leadershiDEQUAINTUS MARQUILLA CLEVELAND
March 25, 2023
“And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” John 10:28 It was Super Bowl Sunday, January 26, 1986, when Heaven dispatched a delicate soul to the township of Helena, ArkansaMarch 11, 2023
Birdie Jean Daniel was born on March 24, 1952 in Elaine, Arkansas to the late Sam and Gladys Daniel. She transitioned to her heavenly home February 28, 2023. Birdie attended Eliza Miller High School in Helena – West Helena Arkansas. She later woMarch 5, 2023
Yvonne Elaine Dolphin was born to Mamie Bridewell and the late James Leroy Dolphin, Sr. on January 27, 1963 in West Helena, Arkansas. Affectionately known as “Elaine,” she was the only girl of Mamie’s four children. She transitioned from this eMarch 4, 2023
Claveland Martin was born November 25, 1958 to the late Charles E. Martin, Sr. and Roberta Gause. He departed this earthly life, receiving his heavenly reward February 21, 2023 in Memphis, Tennessee. Claveland accepted Christ as his personal SavioFebruary 25, 2023
Ms. Lenora Kemp German was born to the late George Kemp and Geraldine German on May 31, 1950 in Elaine, Arkansas. Lenora was a resident of Elaine, Arkansas all her life. She accepted Christ at an early age and was a member of St. Luke Church of GoFebruary 11, 2023
Kimyata Javon Lofton Randall was born November 2, 1975 to the late Walter and Dorothy Lofton at Helena Hospital, Helena Arkansas. Kimyata accepted Christ as her personal Savior at an early age at Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church, Helena Arkansas uJanuary 21, 2023
Letory, “LT” was born on October 13,1923, to the late Nelson and Lemon Kirkwood in Calico Bottoms, West Helena, Arkansas. She was the first born of 18 children. As the first-born child, she was the apple of Nelson’s eye. She was raised on the fJanuary 14, 2023
Mr. Joe Dean Motton, Jr. was born February 23, 1950 to the late Joe and Bessie Motton, Sr. in West Helena Arkansas. He transitioned from this earthly life December 25, 2022 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Joe accepted Christ as his personal Savior at anJanuary 14, 2023
She was Born: Corlunda Syimesha McGinister was born November 19, 2001 to Cortez McGinister, Sr. and Jolunda Johnson at Helena Regional Medical Center, Helena Arkansas. She Lived: Corlunda lived a loving and fun life. She loved her family andJanuary 7, 2023
On September 16, 1937, a beautiful baby girl, Mary Pearl Brookins, was born to Katie L. Phillips Brookins and Howard Brookins, Sr. She was born in Meridian, Mississippi. Mary Pearl Brookins would grow up and later marry, Brother Johnnie Smith, IIDecember 17, 2022
Curley Mae Marshall was born September 15, 1955 to the late James and Classie L. Campbell, Sr. in Elaine, Arkansas. She transitioned to her heavenly home December 7, 2022. Curley accepted Christ as her personal Savior at an early age. She was a faDecember 11, 2022
Obituary information will be updated at a later date.December 10, 2022
He ARRIVED…Bro. Jessie James Blakely, Jr., known to everyone as “J.B.”, born on January 27, 1942, in Helena, Arkansas, was the fifth child of 13 born to Jessie Blakely, Sr. and Isabel Grant Blakely-Orange. He LEARNED…Jessie was a lifelongDecember 3, 2022
Lula Mae Bailey was born September 11, 1942, in Marianna, Arkansas to the late Elgie Williams, Sr. and Janie Williams. She departed this life on November 24, 2022. Lula Mae accepted Christ at an early age. She was an active and participating membNovember 28, 2022
Elder Ruben Jackson was born on January 8, 1946 to the late Deacon Moses Jackson, Sr., and Missionary Pearla Ardene Glass Jackson of Snow Lake, Arkansas. He confessed and accepted Jesus Christ into his life at an early age. His parents were loving, gNovember 26, 2022
Darryl Darnzell Sims was born to the late Robert T. Sims and Dorothy Carruth Sims October 11, 1966 in Helena Arkansas. He transitioned to his eternal life November 18, 2022 at his home. Darryl accepted Christ as his personal Savior at the young agNovember 20, 2022
Sis. Florine was born September 6, 1923, to Roberta (Harp) and Spencer Weston Hall Sr. She departed this life on Thursday, November 17, 2022. Her first love was Jesus Christ. She accepted him as her personal Savior many years ago. She believNovember 19, 2022
Mattie A. Towns was born February 13, 1946 to the late Columbus Towns and Pearline Milton in Barton, Arkansas. She was raised by her beloved uncle and aunt J.H. and Lucille Milton Hammond. Mattie accepted Christ as her personal Savior at an earlyNovember 12, 2022
Myrtle Haywood Robbins affectionately known as “Peg” was born November 15, 1931, in Marianna, Arkansas to the late Cleophas and Charlie Aaron Haywood. At an early age, she professed her hope in Christ and was baptized at the Paradise No. 2 MisOctober 29, 2022
Willie Jackson was born January 5, 1946 to the late Bernice Jackson and Vastire Hanks in the community of Cornell Point, Arkansas. He was raised by his grandmother, the late Eula Jackson. Willie attended Turner School until the nineth grade. He fi